VSANA serves as a center to learn, study, and promote Asian stone appreciaton (viewing stones, scholar stones, fantastic stone, suiseki, shangshi, and gongshi)beginning with China where the practice began. VSANA disseminates information to English speaking audiences worldwide utilizing it's web site, exhibits, lectures, and publications. - tegevusalaks on müüa üht maailma innovatiivseimat mänguasja nimega NeoCube. -
Alliance Practice Management offer Medical Billing Services, Medical Consulting and a Free Electronic Medical Record System. We also provide Dragon Naturally Speaking Software and Training to dictate into any EMR. Our low cost medical solutions, has been helping many skilled and experienced specialty physicians with their medical office solutions since 1990. -
Propuesta de repostería vanguardista con recetas y diseños exclusivos. Cursos, matrimonios, mesas de postres y mas de 100 productos con las mejores técnicas francesas e ingredientes 100% naturales. -
Our church is always mindful of its purpose for being here: To provide a place of worship and instruction for the saved and to provide a place where the unsaved can hear the Gospel and point them to the cross of Calvary, so that they may be saved. -
Changing Tides Consultancy & Training aims to empower civil society (NGOS, CSOs) to play its role in participatory development. Changing Tides provides trainings, facilitation of meetings, coaching and consultancy on a number of issues, including participatory development, multistakeholder processes, curriculum development, result-based planning, evaluation, use of social media as a tool for communication and learning. -
We are a self-development blogging community of higher awareness. -
Rosemary's Review - A Comprehensive California Bar Exam Tutorial. Rosemary La Puma has been successfully helping students pass the bar exam for seventeen years. In addition, she is an adjunct professor at Golden Gate University School of law and author of If I Don't Pass the Bar I'll Die, 73 Ways to Keep Stress and Worry from Affecting Your Performance on the Bar Exam. - -